Monday, July 14, 2008

Two Americas

There is, and always has been, and always will be, two Americas. These two Americas, in one hand, is what makes America great, and in another, what makes America a harsh and unforgiving reality. These two Americas are not separated by race, or gender, or sexual orientation; no, these two Americas are separated by the Almighty Dollar.

Today in downtown Manhattan, in good old U.S. of A, a man decides that he’s going to risk big and sell short on Google stocks, and by closing bell, Google was down $3.46 on the day; and by 4:00pm, this man was a million dollars richer than he was yesterday. On the other side of the continental U.S.A in place called Irvine, California; a man watches as his house is auctioned off the county courthouse steps, and by 4:00pm, he had no job, no home, and no place to go. This is our two Americas; and the harsh reality is that these stark imbalances in our nation’s economy are only growing in disproportionality. So at 4:15pm as one man scurries to leave his office high above in a glass tower, hustling to beat traffic, to pick up his family and head to their customary weekend get away in the Hamptons; another man wanders aimlessly through the streets of southern California wondering if he will ever get his life back in order.

No one wants to be the guy from Irvine, California, but too many Americans all over the country are finding themselves in his shoes, and too few are find themselves on the inside looking out those glass tower windows. In the month of June, 62,000 jobs were lost, and foreclosures are still at record levels, as CEOs and hedge fund managers walk away with windfall profits, some of the biggest in our nation’s history. With gas prices at record highs, food prices up, the cost of living skyrocketing, I can’t help but wonder whether these two Americas have some how diverged off course to the point of eliminating Americas greatest asset, its Middleclass.

If today’s economy is affecting you, please tell us how, at least one blogger thinks it’s worth sharing.